Thirteen, almost fourteen months people!
Executive Summary:
I'm beautiful, going to swimming lessons and swimming with the PUs, no longer afraid of the ocean, better at Leilani's, my room looks new, I'm eating more, we went boating again, and I'm perfecting my theatrics.
My twelve month check up stats:
height/length: 31.5 inches tall/long (92nd percentile)
head circ: 18.5" (68th percentile)
weight: 22 lbs, 13 oz (39th percentile.)
So apparently I'm tall and trim. Plus Mommy, Auntie Nikki, Daddy--well, pretty much everybody--calls me handsome. And mommy gets upset that I'm more tan than her. That's right, I am Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome.
My survival swimming lessons are in their 7th week now. I must say, when I started going, I was not a fan at all. The pool was cold - a chilly 84, with a strange lady who was way too happy all the time who kept dunking me underwater. The crazy lady told the PUs that my screaming from start to finish was because I didn't have another way to express myself. My small handful of butt that's why! I was upset. I wanted it to be over - it was hard work. But ya know what? It got better. After a week or so and until now, I only scream doing the exercises but am perfectly fine while Aisha (the crazy happy lady) holds me. That is unless there's something distracting (geckos, airplanes, dragon flies, other kids - especially girls) then I might forget to scream. A smile has even been known to sneak across my little mug.
As much as I scream at lessons, I love swimming with the PUs. I went to the community pool with Daddy and Auntie Nikki and then a few days later with Daddy and Mommy. I couldn't get enough of the water. When Auntie Nikki was there we spent most of the time in the kids' pool which was fun and really warm. I rode on Daddy's back and stole Auntie's sunglasses as often as I could. But then we went into the PU pool. It was there I was able to show the PUs what I could really do. Doing what Aisha showed them, Daddy and Auntie pushed me underwater toward each other--about 6 feet and a couple seconds away--once I got to one PU I just wanted to swim back to the other one. Auntie and Daddy and later Mommy were so happy. Daddy kept laughing and hugging me which I like, but I wanted to swim. When Mommy was with Daddy, wow, did I swim. Mommy kept making me go further and further. It was so far I needed to flip over on my back to breathe, which Mommy and Daddy helped me with. Then I swam again.
A few days after the pool sessions, we all went to a party at a really pretty beach [Bellows Air Force Station on the east side of the island]. For the first time I had enough confidence to walk towards the water. Before, I found it scary. Now I know it's fun. Daddy and I walked to the water's edge and I laughed and giggled as the water washed so much sand over my feet that my feet disappeared. Daddy found them, though. Then later Mommy brought me back to the water where I saw Auntie and Daddy swimming in the waves. Daddy rode a wave on his belly right up to me. Then he held me in the water so waves could go all around us. It was neat!
On my daycare days with Leilani (my PU on Tuesdays and Thursdays), kind of like my swimming lessons, I haven't always been the most pleasant person to be around. Same as swimming, I used to scream and cry all the time when I wasn't being held. To go to sleep Leilani had to put me in a separate room so I could cry myself to sleep. But slowly, (READ: very slowly) things got better. Now when Daddy comes to pick me up, I don't even run to him. Not that I don't like the guy, but I'm pretty comfortable where I am. In fact, here's what Leilani said this past Tuesday:
"Was wide awake & too playful to nap today.
I'm so happy how well Teldyn has adjusted here.
He was really into our block building & dancing
time. He's grown so much here, & I enjoy
watching him socialize w/ his friends
& actually having fun!"
I have a new room! OK, not really, but it's so different and really neat. I think it's the coolest room in the house. Before, it was full of lots of stuff and the walls were all white. Now, it just has my stuff and it has new paint. To paint the room, I was moved out into the hallway. That was a little weird. I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure the PUs were moving around or staring at me while I was sleeping.
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From Teldyn's Second Album |
Then Aunties Connie and Nikki and Mommy painted my room. But I still had to live in the hallway forever [read: a week]. Now, the walls remind me of the beach. And there's a picture of a honu (sea turtle) on the wall over my bed. And on one of the shelves there's a picture frame (courtesy of Auntie Connie) that I like to look at.
I've mentioned Auntie Connie a few times already. I have to say, I miss her. Daddy said she and Uncle Lee needed to go back to some place called Canada. But I guess we will see them again soon. Before they left, Auntie Connie and I hung out quite a bit. One day we hung out together while daddy disappeared with Uncle Lee. She's a lot of fun so I miss her, but I got to see her over iChat recently, though. The video quality wasn't too good, but I could hear her. To show her I much I missed her, I stuck out my tongue, and pointed to my nose and mouth.
I have a new favorite use for my first finger: pointing. I point out birds, leaves, the doggies, Daddy, airplanes, helicopters, trucks all sorts of stuff. I think I'll call it my pointer finger. Maybe it'll catch on.
I talk even more now, but people still don't seem to know what I'm saying. I'll keep trying though.
About a month ago or so we all went on another boat trip in Kaneohe Bay with Auntie Connie and Uncle Lee, Uncle John, Auntie Mena and Jasper. Jasper and Uncle Lee were pretty cool. Uncle Lee let Jasper drive the boat. Or maybe Jasper let Uncle Lee drive the boat. I'm not really sure. We stopped for awhile at the sandbar so Daddy, and Uncles Lee and John could run around, try to surf and fall down in really shallow water. They seemed to have fun.
Wow, this is long, and I still have more to say. So I'll sum up the rest. I'm eating 3 solid-ish type meals a day. I can climb the couches on my own and once, using a big block, I escaped my playpen. I'm also getting a taste for the theatrical; when the PUs and I don't agree I'll sometimes sit, roll to my stomach and whine a bit. It doesn't seem to work too well with Mommy, but Daddy's more of a softy. Hee hee! My puppet.
And for anyone who hasn't Skyped or iChat-ted with us recently.... here's a pic of Mommy and Daddy.
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From Teldyn's Second Album |