Monday, October 19, 2009

Four Months of Firsts

I'm almost four months old already. Can you believe it? So old... so old. I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit, though.

I celebrated my first Jewish Holiday called Rosh Hashana (the Jewish New Year) when my grandparents were still here (The G-PU's left a few weeks ago but will be back soon).

I celebrated my daddy and grandpa's birthdays. They keep track of their ages in years--are those long? They've collected more years than I have fingers and toes, so that's a super lot. For Daddy's birthday we went to a restaurant with an aquarium inside. A funny lady with a strange face was in the water with a sign that said "Happy Birthday, Chuck." Is Chuck my dad's secret identity? 'Cause if so, that lady blew it.

I went on my first boat ride and swam at the sandbar in Kaneohe Bay. Nonna took me in the water in my "Coast Guard Approved" life vest which I was not a fan of. Then Nonna took it off and just held me in the water, which was much better. Auntie Nikki held an umbrella over me because Mom was really concerned about my skin in the sun. I'm excited to learn how to swim. I got to watch infant swimming lessons. The babies were crying the whole time, but they sure could move in the water.
I started going to daycare on Mondays now. Auntie Nikki drops me off and Mom or Dad pick me up. It's fun there. I like to watch the other kids play.

I went to see a show with Shaolin monks. There were bright colors, fast movements, and loud noises. When I wasn't eating or sleeping, I liked it. After the show, we met up with Auntie Carin and Emalee at a restaurant that served Egyptian food. The PU's sure seemed to like the stuff. I wasn't too happy with it, so I fell asleep on Auntie Carin's shoulder.

I'm talking a lot these days. Sometimes I shout too, but the PU's don't seem to understand what I'm saying either way.

I really enjoy books. They're fun during tummy time. It's strange, though, even with the different colors, each page tastes the same. I'll have to find more books, I guess.

It turns out that I. LOVE. DOGS!!! They are even more fun to watch than the glow screens that the PU's stare at sometimes. The doggies make me laugh and laugh, which makes the PUs laugh too. It's a little weird when Hoku licks my face, but the PUs say it's slobber/drool karma.

I got to meet Grandma Dee from Oregon on Skype. I like her. Mommy says that I'm gonna see a bigger version of her when I go to Oregon for Thanksgiving. I'll also get to meet the people who've been sending me cool gifts like my cousin Payton!

I like to grab things these days--like both my feet at the same time and pull them over my head. Can you do that? I also like to grab onto the PUs' hair and gnaw on fingers; actually, I'll pretty much gnaw on anything I can get my mouth on... but I hear that's normal for Americans.
I'm supposedly "getting heavy," but we'll see what the doc says at the end of the month. I think that about does it for this update. See? Only four months and already I've done so much!

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