Dear Teldyn,
You said "bye," but this one is different. I moved out. You probably don't quite know what that means. But basically I'm sorry for those times when you look in my room or to the couch saying "Nikki" and don't find me. I'm also sorry for taking my iPhone with the "gecko" and "octido" [octopus]. Moving away from you is the hardest thing I remember ever having to do. I'm gonna miss you so much. I think I'll even miss changing your poopy diapers! Seriously, that's how much.
I'm gonna go become a better aunty by gaining experiences and skills to help make this world a better place for you. And I'm gonna start by living in a place called New York. It's so very different than Hawaii, and it's super cool in it's own way. I can't wait to show it to you!
I know that you have the resiliency of a skinned knee, so I'm not so worried about you. (Not to mention that your two amazing parents will ensure that you'll always have as much attention and love as you can stand.)
Besides, while I don't live with you anymore, I'm not gone. I know you're getting good with the phone and Skype, so please keep in touch. And call me about the "small stuff." I want to hear you say "elephant," speak in sentences, learn to count, ride a tricycle, and the rest of it. I am still going to celebrate your milestones with you. In fact, I will be back to see you become a brother!
This will be a big responsibility for you, and I know you can handle it. You're so good at picking up after yourself and helping Mama and Dada with things around the house that this should be a piece of cake for you. Plus, you will be learning from a true master on how to be a supportive and protective big brother. Be patient if you feel you can't live up to his example. He's the best anyone has ever seen, and he's been at it for a lot longer than you.
I have cherished living with you and being one of your parental units. Each day is magic, filled with wonder and joy, a new adventure. You speak more words, find more answers, soak up more worlds--you're a different person everyday. Seeing you asleep in your car seat at the airport, I knew that I wouldn't see that version of you again. You will be so different next time I see you. It was sad and thrilling.
I'm so grateful that I was there for the first time you laughed, walked, played with bubbles and I was holding you when you first saw an octopus. Those things might not seem like huge deals to you, but they are for me.
I will really miss dancing with you, laughing with you, reading with you, discovering the world anew with you. You have provided me hours and hours of blissful memories and claimed your very own nook in my heart.
My Chubbobo, Grumpobo, Mister, Little Man, my Love... Thank you for all the hugs, fist bumps, kisses, smiles, and all the other cuter-than-cute ways you let me know that you love me back.
No matter how far away I am, I will always be your Aunty Nikki. So keep up the trumpeting and growling--I swear, I can hear you from here. Cockadoodledoooo!!
Nik you made me cry! Lovely letter.. ;)